v3.1.0 Notes: - Supported platforms - Jetson AGX Orin - Jetson Orin Nano/NX - Supported FPAs: - FPA-4.A/TXA - FPA-4.A/AGX - FPA-A/P22 - GMSL support - Known limitations: - Sensors that have support for changing the Data Rate control only work at the maximum data rate for specific resolution - Hard-coded pixel clock in dtree. Changing the data rate will result in stream not working. - In Argus(ISP) on the exposed(highly bright) parts of the image, traces of a purple tint may be visible - Binning mode is not supported for color sensors in Argus(ISP) - Argus(ISP) does not support resolutions of height and/or width less than 256 pixels - Argus(ISP) does not support 8-bit per-pixel modes. - Argus(ISP) does not support mixed Bayer pixel format modes