One of the main objectives for visual image processing in production automation and industrial inspection is to achieve maximum data throughput. The increase in resolutions and higher frame rates on the sensor side produce a high volume of data for transmission. In the past, while sensor performance limited the throughput of an application, conventional interfaces like GigE Vision or USB3, are currently often the bottleneck. Only now users can fully exploit the capabilities of modern imaging sensors with high-speed interfaces like CoaXPress and achieve maximum performance in their applications. Including high speed, there are six reasons to consider using CoaXPress cameras in vision applications:
Bandwidth – Maximize Throughput
CoaXPress connects a camera to a PC via a frame grabber. The CoaXpress standard allows direct connection of the camera to the frame grabber; the complete bandwidth is always available for the image data at the end device. The CoaXPress standard is available in six speeds, increasing from levels CXP-1 to CXP-6. The CXP-6, with up to four available channels, enables a bandwidth of 6.25 Gbps per channel, and can reach a maximum transmission speed of 25 Gbps. This performance benchmark demonstrates the CoaXPress CXP-6 to be currently the fastest and most powerful interface on the market.
Cable Lengths – Bridge Longer Distances
In many applications, the five to seven meters restriction of a USB connection are insufficient and, sometimes even Ethernet cables show limitations. Those customers who require very long cable connections should consider a CoaXPress camera. CoaXPress cameras are connected to the frame grabber with coaxial cables. The CXP-6 speed, with the highest speed and best quality, allows up to 40 meters between the frame grabber as the host, and the camera as the end device, without any loss in quality. Even cable distances up to 100 meters are possible within levels CXP-1 to CXP-5. Transmission adapters allow longer connections of more than 100 meters to be implemented at all speeds.
Plug & Play – Easy to Connect
CoaXPress uses a single cable for both the power supply and data transmission, to ensure a simple connection with minimal cable clutter. The CoaXPress camera standard is maintained by the Japan Industrial Imaging Association (JIIA); it is linked to the GeniCam standard and complies with other common vision standards. The CoaXPress camera, between the host and the device, provides a simple xml file with all of the camera parameters for graphical user interfaces. Therefore, this feature provides simple connectivity; no extra monitoring software is required, and all the settings can be controlled via the frame grabber.
Multiple Synchronizations – Precise Control
Several cameras can be connected easily to a CoaXPress system via the frame grabber. A maximum of sixteen cameras can be networked with each other and controlled concurrently by the framegrabber. The advantage of a CoaXPress camera with a frame grabber is very precise camera synchronization and very low latencies. Synchronization is performed only via the frame grabber and does not require an additional trigger signal as with both USB3 and GigE. Ethernet solutions via the PC are often extremely complicated, and hardware triggers sometimes generate very high latencies. A frame grabber and CoaXPress cameras can control and synchronize several cameras with the utmost accuracy.
Demanding Applications – Highest accuracy
CoaXPress devices are particularly suitable for applications where it is critical for synchronized image capture from several cameras. For example, if an object moving quickly over a conveyor belt is to be captured and evaluated from several perspectives for industrial inspection, the precise triggering of all cameras and the synchronization between the devices are crucial for high-quality images and analysis. This scenario also applies to the medical, broadcasting, and sports industries.
Fit for the Future – Leads with More Performance
Since 2010, the CoaXPress 6 standard (CXP-6) has established itself in the market with a transmission speed of 6.25 Gbps per channel in its first development cycle. The current technology and cameras are becoming increasingly cheaper, and now operate at the level of CameraLink. In the near future, the re-developed CoaXPress 12 standard will be available with double the data rate. The camera’s performance, with a bandwidth of up to 50 Gbps, can be fully maximized, with 1-channel interfaces already achieving higher values than today’s 10 GigE Vision. The CoaXPress 12 technology offers a very attractive, simple, and above all, reliable prospect for demanding high-speed applications now, and in the future.
Evidently, CoaXPress cameras ideally are suited for high speeds, high image quality, and data transmission over long distances. Simple connectivity via a frame grabber enables stable connections without the need for additional monitoring software. The precise synchronization of several cameras without external hardware enables high analytical quality and is key for the inspection and monitoring of industrial scenarios, sports, or safety applications. CoaXPress, with a future maximum data rate of 50 Gbps, is a great for high-speed applications and increasing resolutions, image rates, and throughput. CoaXPress for this reason, is one of the best equipped interfaces for even faster industrial automation.