Depth of Field Calculator
Depth of Field Calculator
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Related Category: Optical Lenses
This is a valuable tool for imaging experts and enthusiasts to calculate the depth of field when using a particular lens, or to determine the aperture setting required to achieve the desired depth of field.
To understand the significance of the calculations, it’s important to grasp the concept of the circle of confusion (c). The acceptable sharpness threshold is determined by the circle of confusion (CoC), which is the blurred spot created as light rays fail to converge on a single point on the image plane.
The hyperfocal distance (H) plays a crucial role in determining the optimal focus distance. The hyperfocal distance is the focusing distance which provides the widest depth of field. Everything from half the hyperfocal distance out to infinity will be acceptably sharp when focused at hyperfocal distance.
What is Depth of Field?
Depth of field (DOF) plays a crucial role in imaging applications that involve inspection and measurement, as it defines the range of distances within the object space that can be captured with acceptable sharpness. It is an essential parameter to consider for achieving accurate and reliable results.
The depth of field (DOF) is influenced by various optical factors, each contributing to the overall outcome. One of these factors is the circle of confusion (CoC), which determines the threshold of acceptable sharpness. The CoC represents the blurred spot that occurs when light rays fail to converge precisely onto a single point on the image plane. Its size directly affects the perceived sharpness of the captured image.
Another optical factor is the focal length of the lens. A shorter focal length reduces the area of blur around the image plane, leading to an increase in the depth of field. In simpler terms, lenses with shorter focal lengths tend to have a greater ability to capture a larger range of distances in sharp focus.
The focus distance is yet another factor influencing the depth of field. When the focus distance is longer, the light rays take a narrower path around the focal point, resulting in an extended depth of field. In contrast, a shorter focus distance limits the range of distances that can be captured in sharp focus.
Optical factors influencing Depth of Field
- Focal Length – Focal length refers to the distance between the optical origin of a camera or an optical system and the image sensor or film when a distant subject is in focus. It determines the magnification and angle of view of the lens, which affects how the image appears. In simpler terms, focal length determines how much of the scene will be captured and how large or small the objects in the image will appear. A shorter focal length captures a wider field of view, while a longer focal length magnifies the subject and narrows the field of view.
- Aperture Size – Aperture size refers to the diameter of the opening in a camera lens through which light enters. Aperture size affects the depth of field, influencing the amount of background blur or sharpness in a photograph. A larger aperture size results in narrower depth of field while a smaller aperture size (larger F/#) results in longer depth of field. Aperture size also determines the amount of light that reaches the camera’s image sensor or film. A larger aperture allows more light to pass through, resulting in a brighter image, while a smaller aperture restricts the amount of light, resulting in a darker image. Therefore, aperture size must be selected carefully considering the trade-off between depth of field and light collection efficiency.
- Circle of Confusion – In optics, the circle of confusion refers to a fundamental concept related to the formation of a focused image. When light passes through a lens and converges onto the image plane (such as the film or the digital sensor in a camera), it forms a circle of confusion for each object point in the scene. Due to various optical factors, such as the finite size of the lens aperture and diffraction, and also lens imperfections, the focused image of a point source is not a perfect point but a blurry spot.
- Working Distance – In optics, working distance refers to the distance between the front of a lens or objective and the object being observed or worked on. Working distance is an important consideration in various applications, such as microscopy, imaging, and industrial inspection, where precise positioning or the use of auxiliary tools is required.
What is depth of field?
How is depth of field calculated?
First, you need to provide input values such as the focal length of the lens, the aperture, the focus distance (the distance from the lens to the subject in focus), the pixel size on the sensor, and the type of sensor (monochrome or color).
Next, we calculate the sampling factor based on the sensor type. For monochrome sensors, the sampling factor is set to 1.4, and for color sensors, it is set to 2.
The circle of confusion is then calculated by multiplying the pixel size with the sampling factor. This represents the maximum permissible blur diameter that is still considered acceptably sharp.
The hyperfocal distance is calculated, which is the closest focusing distance to capture objects infinity acceptably sharp.
Then we calculate near limit, which represents the closest distance from the lens to the subject that appears acceptably sharp. This calculation considers the focus distance, focal length, aperture, and circle of confusion.
Next is the far limit, which represents the furthest distance from the lens to the subject that appears acceptably sharp. If the focus distance is greater than the hyperfocal distance, the far limit is considered to be infinity.
Finally, depth of field is then calculated, which represents the range of distances in the scene that appear acceptably sharp. If the focus distance is greater than the hyperfocal distance, the depth of field is considered to be infinity. Otherwise, it is calculated as the difference between the far limit and the near limit.
What is the circle of confusion?
How does focal length affect depth of field?
The focal length of a lens affects the depth of field. Shorter focal lengths tend to provide a larger depth of field, while longer focal lengths result in a shallower depth of field.
Does focus distance impact depth of field?
What role does aperture size play in depth of field?
How can I extend the depth of field in my images?
What is the relationship between depth of field and sensor size?
Pixel size affects the depth of field indirectly by influencing the acceptable circle of confusion (CoC). The circle of confusion represents the maximum allowable blur size that is still considered acceptably sharp.
A smaller pixel size results in a smaller CoC, which means a smaller allowable blur size. This, in turn, leads to a shallower depth of field. A smaller allowable blur size means that objects outside the plane of focus will appear more blurred and out of focus.
On the other hand, a larger pixel size results in a larger CoC, allowing for a larger allowable blur size. This results in a deeper depth of field, where objects both near and far from the plane of focus will appear sharper and more in focus.
Therefore, pixel size indirectly affects the depth of field by influencing the calculation of the CoC, which determines the acceptable level of sharpness and contributes to the perception of depth of field in an image.
Can post-processing software alter the depth of field?
Lens and Optics Distribution
Visit our optical products pages for a full list of C-Mount lenses, M12/M10/M8/M6 screw mount lenses, optical filters, and optics accessories including custom designed lens mounts, extension tubes and adapters.
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Optics Consultation
Determine the best optical fit for your project based on the required sensor size and image circle, desired operating range and field of view (FOV), and lens type requirements specific to your application.